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Arts and Sports Camp


Sports Clinic: Students will participate in a variety of sports, such as soccer, basketball, flag football, kickball, wiffle ball and various recreational games.

Art Clinic: Students will do various projects that include drawing, painting, and crafts, while learning about some great artists.

Each day there will also be a large group lesson/Bible story, a snack time (we provided snacks), and small group question/discussion time.

Ages: COMPLETED 1st Grade through

           COMPLETED 4th Grade

The camp is July 25-29, 2022 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm.

Camp "headquarters" is Christ Community Alliance Church (CCAC) in Orange, VT on Rt. 302.

Helping people experience wholeness
through a life-changing relationship with Jesus

Christ Community Alliance Church is an Evangelical Christian Church,

located both in Orange and East Barre, Vermont in the USA.

Christ Community Alliance Church. Orange and East Barre, Vermont, USA. 802-476-6454 .

Sunday Worship at Orange 9:00 AM      Sunday Worship at East Barre 10:45 AM

           Pastor Brad Forlow, Senior Pastor

      (update 3/12/25)

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